Since returning back to the States just a few short weeks ago, I would have anticipated some curves and bumps in the journey...
what I was not expecting were the sharp and sudden turns, that often make us feel as though we are completely lost.
I am speaking figuratively from an emotional standpoint, and literally from a physical standpoint when it comes to Neena's health. I am sure anyone who has watched someone suffer with cancer can understand.
This afternoon she was admitted once again to the hospital for the potential placement of a drain, which will hopefully remove some of the infection from her abdomen. Her spirits are good, and we anticipate just a short stay~ but anytime spent in the hospital is never fun.
Overall, our family is holding up quite well and we have appreciated all of the prayers, e-mails, meals and babysitting. We feel very loved, but I will admit that Brad and I often lay awake at night with thoughts of what tomorrow holds, swimming around in our heads. It seems like
every decision we have to make right now is a
BIG decision with consequences not only affecting us.
So if you think of us, please pray for the new bumps that are bound to come on this journey and that God would grant us wisdom to navigate the curves ahead...