Thursday, February 08, 2007

Treasuring time together

We arrived back from our week with World Harvest team leaders today, just in time to pick up Luke and Abby from school. It was great to get to greet them with hugs and see their faces light up as they saw us. As we were returning home from school, we noticed 3 helicopters just down the street hovering over the hospital where Levi was born... and when we turned on the news we soon discovered that the local media was trying to uncover the details of Anna Nicole Smith's death.

Then, just after dinner we got a knock on our door from our next door neighbors (the Richardsons) asking us to call church members, as Jack's father had just died suddenly. Such unexpected grief. Such untimely loss. While these situations may have little in common, there is in every death the pain of great loss for the families who loved them so much.

After being away from our kids for a week and all of the events that have taken place today, I am listening a little more carefully as Abby plays Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the piano...I am treasuring the good-night routine with Levi as we read a story and snuggle together...and hugging Luke a little tighter as we pray for our neighbors who are also our sweet friends.

We'll give you a better update on the World Harvest team leaders retreat in the next couple of days.

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