Friday, May 13, 2011


When the weather starts to get all beautiful out, and I am wishing for a backyard...I have to remind myself that scooters and concrete are my friends.  Living in an apartment "makes" us go out and get some fresh air and exercise...

It also gives us an excuse to go and get ice cream...
Our favorite little place, is just down the street
Abby almost always gets coconut...
For Luke it is usually something with chocolate...
Levi usually has a hard time making up his mind...

In the end, he decides on white chocolate and pineapple, but soon realizes he is not a fan of the pineapple after all.  Don't you worry though, Milka comes to the rescue!
and my favorite...GREEN APPLE!!!
So, while many of you enjoy your backyards...we will enjoy our trips to get Eis :)

*and I am trying to bring back Flower Fridays*

1 comment:

Shannon said...

YUMMY!!! I'm with Abby, though. Coconut rocks!