Monday, August 14, 2006

Summer officially comes to an end

Tonight as I look out the window while doing dishes, I hear and see our children playing in the pool with Daddy. I hear lots of laughter and see lots of splashing. Tomorrow will be a different scenerio...probably grumpy, yet excited children will gulp down their breakfast so they can get in the car by 7:30, so they can start school again!

Leaving summer is hard--no more sun-kissed cheeks, popcorn with M&M"s movie nights, no more waterparks with friends, no more slumber parties with cousins, or homemade forts with the neighbors...even no more sleeping in until 7-yes, as sad as it is-for our kids, 7 is sleeping in.
Tomorrow we enter once again the phase of structure, school uniforms, homework and bedtimes.

We asked Luke and Abby what some of their "school year resolutions" were...

Luke: "Try my hardest" and "Remember to bring my homework to school" (yes...if you know Luke you know he is the pleaser type)

Abby: "Get my homework done on time", "learn how to read", and "NOT get too hot on the playground" (and yes, for Abby, image is key!)

And we'll all "resolve" to make the most of this next year in the US together with our family and friends.


Amy Ross said...

I hope A&L had a great first day!! that boogie board strategically placed, Brad?? I only ask because I have mastered the art...

Brad & Stacey said...

Yes, Levi was too fussy and too small to cover my enormous girth, so boogie board had to do.

Amy Ross said...

If you look at the picture of Samuel's first day of school, I was fortunate to use Samuel's whole body as a "shield!" Hope you weren't offended by my comment... I wasn't implying you had enormous girth! I am the one that needs to stop the hand-mouth exercising! And now that the Hurricane is coming I am sure that that's all the exercising I'll be doing!!!