Sunday, November 30, 2008

What a weekend!

The weekend began with a trip to the ER...Levi started with a rash from head to toe and ended up with severe pain in his much so that he couldn't walk. We still don't know if it was an allergic reaction to something or a virus. Whatever the case, we left the hospital with steroids, anti-histamines and pain meds. Saturday the rash and pain were gone, so whatever it was, it left as quickly as it came. We were thankful for that.

Even though the weekend didn't begin the way we wanted, it turned out well.

Here are a few of the highlights:
~ On Saturday evening, we went to the Christmas program for Luke and Abby's Hort. Abby was Mary and Luke was a construction worker in the play. It was a great program!

~We got our Christmas tree up and decorated and watched plenty of Christmas movies!

~Today we went out to Reisenberg to visit Maria and Herbert and sample some of her delicious cookies that she sells during the Christmas season.

~This evening we finished our five week long study on Jesus in the Gospel according to Luke. For us it has been such an encouragement to have 6 families from many different cultures and spiritual backgrounds all come together, to get to know each other better, and to have the kids also have a study together... Our neighbors graciously let us use their office on the 2nd floor as a place to meet, while the kids stayed up in our kid-friendly apartment. Stacey usually stayed with the kids, together with our friends Leslie and Ingrid. There were lots of good discussions and insight and questions, and hopefully a good basis for future studies. After each study, we'd come upstairs to meet all together with kids and adults for a simple meal, and to hang out and talk.

1 comment:

Amy Ross said...

I'm glad Levi is sorry! Great shots!