Thursday, February 25, 2010

A special gift...

This is Abby's second week of being out of school and her friends have been missing her! As a way of letting her know that they are thinking of her, they made a picture for her in their arts and crafts class (called Werken). Everyone helped with the sweet is that!

Abby update...
She is doing much better! Aside from an annoying cough, her spirits are good, she hasn't been running a fever anymore and she has been catching up on her schoolwork in between watching marathon episodes of Little House on the Prairie :)


Mary Porter said...

Glad to hear Abby is doing better! An impressive art project! Love to all!

Shannon said...

Wow, that looks good enough to eat, haha.

SO glad she's better. I hope the rest of you stay healthy!

Love you!

domandkat said...

Looks like you had to eat something in order to make that lovely work of art! Yum!

Good to hear both kids are doing better! Did Levi get a pass on all this? What's his technique? the shoehorn?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Yeh, be sure to put lotsa butter on the popcorn, pop-seeds, pop-pits and pop-beans! :)
Abby, I watched 2 LHP episodes this afternoon!