Friday, June 15, 2007

So long, farewell, Aufwiedersehen, goodbye..

More goodbyes today as we leave MTI. We take off later today for some family time in Colorado until Tues the 19th. Here is what the rest of our schedule looks like while we are in the states:

20th and 21st fly to Philadelphia and visit World Harvest and our teammates the McMullens

22nd fly out of Washington DC to VIENNA!

We don't know when we will have an internet connection again...
but our cell phones will work in the states until we leave, so give us a call if you are able.

We also sent out our prayer letter, but there were a few if you didn't get the attachment yet, it will be coming.

Until we blog again...we love you guys!


Kim said...

You will get a call from me this weekend!! Talk to you soon! love, Kim said...

hey nagellaeger, wir koennen es kaum erwarten euch hier zu haben.wir denken fest an euch. see you soon, tammy