Monday, June 23, 2008

A Year Ago Today...

A year ago today we flew into Vienna with our 14 bags and a lot more unknowns.

When will the rest of our stuff arrive? Where would we live? Who will be our friends? How will the kids adjust? How long will it take for Stacey to learn German? (still an unknown I suppose:)

Sometimes it seems like we landed just yesterday, while other days it seems like we have been here for years. We have seen God graciously carry and provide for us in more ways than we can count. We are so thankful for how well the kids have transitioned and the friendships that we have made. This would not have been possible without the prayers and support of many people all over the world. For that we are also grateful.

A year ago when we landed, our goal for the coming year was to build a foundation that would enable us to feel at home and established in Vienna. For those who have been following this blog, you got to watch this process unfold, with failures and successes along the way--
learning our way around the city by public transportation and by car (and learning lots of new driving right turn on red!), German-German-German language for both Stacey and Brad, learning a whole new University German, starting an in depth study of the spiritual beliefs and practices of Viennese, making all new friends--mostly Austrians--and learning from them the spoken and unspoken rules of the culture, building relationships with other Christians in the city, receiving visits from potential teammates (and friends and family too!), and getting to know and love the city. Looking back on this year, we really have much to rejoice in...

Philippians 4:4-7
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.
Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand;
do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

10 comments: said...

guys, we love you and we are glad that you are was a long year with a lot of new things, but your doing great, we are proud! hope to see you soon.greets from the chruch hug tammy

melissa said...

I'm so glad you're in Vienna! :) The adjustments WILL continue to get easier.

Amy Ross said...

As much as I miss you, I am rejoicing just as much with you. Praise God for the work He is doing through you...I am thankful to have been able to follow your year via blogs, emails and phone calls.

We ALL miss and love you, HUNTERS!
The Rosses!

Brian said...

Rejoice is the right word... we continue to be blessed to walk with you guys from afar.

I watched the Spain/Italy match live yesterday afternoon on ESPN and they did a nice pan of the Fan Zone by the Rauthaus. I told Wesley that I could have sworn I saw Brad, sans shirt, and full body paint, running around...

Unknown said...

I was just going to comment something serious and then I read the comment above...

Anyhow, that mental image aside, I have loved watching/hearing your journey from afar and walking along side you guys in a small way. Of course, I look forward to being there for Year 2 and you guys holding our hands for our Year 1!

Brad & Stacey said...

Red-White-Red, baby.
That WAS me, with striped chest.
No, no, but Luke and I did go to one of the FaNZoNeS for all 3 of the Austrian games, and I wore a ridiculous Red-White-Red wig that Carlsberg beer was handing out. Now we're cheering for Turkey, Russia, and Spain...basically anyone BUT Germany.

:) Brad

Shannon said...

Hey guys - the sermon Sunday at CityChurch was from Galatians 6 on sowing and reaping, and you are definitely in the sowing/perseverance stage. You already quoted my favorite verses in your post, so I'll just say we love you and miss you and are praying for you and are SO excited about what is happening in your lives. Love, Shannon

Wesley said...

Congratulations on such a wonderful milestone. May your next year in Vienna be equally blessed! We love you and think of you so often (yes, especially when watching "football")!
love, Wes

domandkat said...

You have done a great job adjusting to so many new things in just a year. I know God's got some great things ahead of you in year two - plus some teammates soon! Kat and I are praying for you regularly and appreciate sharing this ministry with you,
love, Dominic

Laurie said...

I can't believe it's been a year already - it seems just like yesterday!