Monday, January 12, 2009

Ice Skating times 2...

Ice Skating  (Eislaufen in German) is a BIG deal in Austria.  Kids start as soon as they can walk, most folks own their own pair of skates and the schools even take their classes and go skating together.  On Saturday, we went with the McMullens to get some practice time in.

Then, even with the temperatures at -7C  (19 degrees F) yesterday, it couldn't keep us from getting out on the Alte Donau and ice skating again, this time with our neighbors.  It really was super fun!!!

Even Milka pooch got in on the fun!


domandkat said...

Did the Alte Donau freeze last year? It seemed like the winter was a lot warmer last year and you also didn't have as much snow.

Love the photos of ice skating outside! It brings all those old stories to life unlike the skating rink...

Alisha said...

Love the sweater on Milka. :)