Monday, October 15, 2007

Weekend overview

At first I thought it was a sinus headache, but then the "dagger in the eyeball" feeling let me know that in fact it was a dreaded migraine. I only get them once every year or so, but when I do...they put me out of commission. So my entire weekend was spent in bed sleeping the days away and listening to a few good sermons on my ipod. If you get a chance, download the one on Esther, by Tim Keller. Fantastic!

Brad and the kids were extra gracious to me and kept the noise to a minimum as they played and played and played. The train set was the attraction of the they all worked together to make this creation...

The kids got dressed and ate breakfast at record pace, so they could play for even just a few minutes before leaving for school!

Levi is loving that the big kids had to head off to the train is all HIS!

I'm feeling better just in time for potential teammates to come. (Thanks for your prayers my sweet friends!) Abel and Misha fly in tomorrow from Florida. They will be checking out Vienna and us, to see if God might be calling them to join our team. More on them and their visit later in the week.

Now the piles from the weekend are calling...laundry, dishes and toys.


Kim said...

So glad to hear that you are feeling better! love,kim

Unknown said...

"Thank heavens" as they say. I was scared to see if you'd updated the blog. You have! And you're better! ♩♩Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!! ♩♩.

KLeBlanc said...

So glad to read a happy ending to this story; how is the "team work" going? What is next in your church-planting goals? I am curious as to how you approach such a task...Love, Liz