Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Latest...

So far this week, we have been well-loved by those near and far! We have received countless e-mails stating that you "are in" being willing to pray for us this week while Brad is in America. We have felt your prayers abundantly. Thank you!

Here is a little update...

Luke and Levi continue to struggle with a virus that has kept them both out of school all week. The blessing in this, is that they have been laying around a lot more than usual and I have not had to run back and forth to school and hort as much, because our friends have been willing to pick Abby up and bring her home so I can stay with the boys.

Our friend, Joanna came from Hungary to see a friend in Wien and it worked out that she could also stay with us and help with the kids! It was a sweet encouragement to all of us!

Dali spent the night last night, and watched the boys all morning so I could get to my German class today! Another big blessing.

Last night I also received a phone call from our field director just checking to see if I was doing ok. He is currently in Prague doing a Sonship week, and yet still took the time to see how we all were.

From what I have heard from Brad, he is having a great time! In between sessions at GCA, I am sure he is finding time to eat some Taco Bell. He has had some really encouraging times with potential teammates and has enjoyed concentrated times with Jeff.

Brad's brother and our pastor from our home church, flew up yesterday to Orlando to spend the night. I just received an e-mail from my sister-in-law that they lost Rick's luggage. I don't know how this happens...but the bummer in all of it is that all of our special requests were in that luggage. That means unless they find it, we will not see the Girl Scout cookies, the Juice Plus vitamins or the thoughtful Valentines' gifts that my sister-in-law took the time to get! I know there are bigger things in the world to pray for than cookies and vitamins, but if you feel lead to pray, we would love that those things would be found!

Thanks again for all of you who have loved us well!


Joe and Amy said...

There may be bigger things, but sometimes things like juice plus, girl scout cookies, and Valentine's hold a lot more importance (and can bring up sudden crazy emotions) than one might think! Praying for you guys!

Joe and Amy said...

haha-oops, I changed some things on our blog...apparently I changed our name! this would be amy-I am a dork!