Monday, October 20, 2008

Trading Goods and Services...

There are many reasons why we love living in our apartment building, most of which are our neighbors. 
 I love that if I need an egg, I can just open my door and ask my neighbor across the hall and not have to walk to the store...or if I need to run an errand, I can see if one of the families can watch a kid or two. 
 I also love the spontaneous plates that get dropped off, filled with goodies...that I can return with American specialties.  We trade our goods and services and are building a special community.  

 Lily came by last week and Frederick came by this morning.  The kids love when they can "help" watch their friends and even return the goodie plates by themselves.  
Without even knowing it, our neighbors are spurring our kids on to good deeds and developing in them hearts to want to serve others.


Shannon said...

They are so cute!

And, do you ask for an egg in German??

Joe and Amy said...

That is so awesome. What an incredible way to become a part of a natural community! It's funny how we can look for so many ways to get involved, when sometimes they are right around us. We are praying for a community like this when we move to Christchurch! I bet you guys are awesome neighbors!

domandkat said...

This reminds me...whatever happened with the neighbors whose ???daughter??? was going to have brain surgery or whatnot? and how are they?is she?

Brad & Stacey said...

Shannon- yes, I can ask for an egg in German, it depends on which neighbor I am asking :)

Joe and Amy-Praying that when you move you have great neighbors!

Dom and Kat- good memory. Her surgery went well and she is recovered fully with no complications. These are the same neighbors who continue to give us yummy goodies and are also doing well.